Sunday 14 October 2012

What is NLP?

This post is my attemtpt to explain what NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) is.

There are of course explanations in every book. They are like this:

Neuro - refers to the nervous system. Our experience of the world enters the brain via the nervous system and the five senses. Neuro stands for how we process this sensory experience and translate it into conscious and unconscious thoughts

Linguistc - refers to language. We communicate on unconscious and conscious level - verbally and non-verbally.

Programming - indicates the was in which we consistently think and behave. Each of us runs specific programms to produce our behaviour. Programms consist of a series of steps that automatically produce certain behaviour. NLP can reveal the programmes you run and results they produce. It also gives you the means to change your own and other people's programmes to produce the results you want.

This is my explanation I give to people when they ask me what it is:

NLP stands for Neuro Linguistic Programming.
It touches science going into how the brain works and processes information.
It helps you understand how people tick by looking at their language (bodylanguage and actual words) and actions. With that understanding you can improve your communication with others. You can also lead them to a certain direction and influence them to a certain degree.
You can use NLP techniques in your everyday life and/or use it to help others to change their perception and therefor behaviour. It is very useful in professional life as well.
Various NLP techniques are often used by coaches to achieve an agreed outcome.

Please note that there is much more to NLP than the explanation above but it gives you an idea about it if you have never heard of it before.

In future posts I will explain NLP techniques and share my experience with them.

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