Monday 15 October 2012

Museum of old beliefs - The theory

The museum of old beliefs was developed by Robert Dilts and is used to change limiting beliefs using spatial anchors.

Therefore print out sheets for each of the below:
Open to doubt
Used to believe
Museum of old beliefs
Open to believe

The Meta position is basically the neutral position and starting point.
The person then steps on the "Open to doubt" position. In that position, the person needs to go back to a time and moment in which he/she was open to doubt and describe that using visual, auditory and kinaesthetic language. This should now be anchored to that position.
Next step: "Used to believe". In here he/she needs to anchor the feeling of what he/she used to believe the same way it was done for "open to doubt".
Next step: "Museum of old beliefs"- In here he/she describes a place that will be used to leave an old belief behind. This could be a museum, the sea or whatever the person wants it to be. That place should be described as detailed as possible. The person then takes the limiting belief and puts it away. Turn that limiting belief into a positive one (example: "I am not good enough to do that" into "I trust my capabilities and know I will be able to do it") and step into "Trust".
Next step: "Trust" - He/she anchors the positive belief, trusting himself/herself.
Next step: "Open to believe" - This is about anchoring a moment/situation in which the person was open to believe. Best to refer to the new positive belief.
Next step: "Believe" - The person anchors now the new positive belief fully.
Step back into "Meta" position.

You will see the person will be empowered and wants to take some action.

When to use this technique:
Changing limiting beliefs about yourself or someone else
Diminish doubts
Change negative beliefs into positive ones

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